Interview- Mei Semones
-Brooklyn's Singer-songwriter's Voice- ブルックリンの新進気鋭のシンガーソングライター 音楽的なバックグランドを語る
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Mei Semones ©Sophie Minello |
Mei Semones is a singer-songwriter/guitarist based in Brooklyn. The artist became acquainted with music at an early age through playing the piano her grandmother bought her; she began playing guitar at the age of 11 and eventually discovered jazz by the time she was in high school. Thereafter, Semones specialized in jazz harmony and improvisation while attending Berklee College of Music.
A new EP by the artist, "Kabutomushi" was released today on Bayonet Records. In this interview, we had the opportunity to talk with the artist about musical background, her EP, what she learned at Berklee College of Music, as well as valuable insights about her Japanese lyrics and the charms of the city of Brooklyn. Read the full episode below.
Music Tribune:
To begin with, let me ask you a few questions about your musical background. Your biography by your label indicates that you have been playing piano and guitar since you were young. Tell us about how you started playing an instrument.
Mei Semones:
My grandma bought my family a piano when me and my sister were 4 years old. I started taking piano lessons then, and around the age of 11 I switched to guitar. I started with rock music, and in high school I was introduced to jazz, and I went on to study jazz guitar at Berklee College of Music.
Music Tribune:
What kind of family did you grow up in? What kind of person do you think you were as a child?
Mei Semones:
My parents have always been very supportive of everything I want to do. I have a twin sister (fraternal) named Saki. My mom is from Yokosuka, Japan, and my dad is from Ohio. I grew up in the suburbs of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and I would say it was a pretty peaceful place to grow up. As a child I think I was somewhat shy, quiet, and self conscious, but happy for the most part.
Music Tribune:
You started playing jazz guitar in high school and later studied music at Berklee College of Music. Were you ever in a band during your high school years? Also, I have the impression that Berklee has a strong focus on jazz education, with Pat Metheny as an instructor. What did you learn in school?
Mei Semones:
I played in the jazz combos at my high school, which were mostly quartets and quintets, with a heavy emphasis on improvisation. I also played guitar in a band called Rosewood in high school, which was kind of a neo-soul/pop type band.
I think I became a much better guitar player during my time at Berklee. Most of the classes I took were jazz performance focused, so I learned a lot about jazz harmony and improvisation. The content of my classes were things like analyzing jazz harmony, learning about different improvisational techniques and guitar voicings / comping techniques, learning the repertoire, transcriptions, rhythmic exercises, etc.
Music Tribune:
Your previous songs include lyrics in Japanese. Why did you decide to sing both in English and Japanese?
Mei Semones:
I am half Japanese, and growing up in the US as a Japanese American person it has been a big part of my identity. Japanese was the first language I spoke, and it’s the only way I communicate with my mother. The first song that I ever released, Hfoas, is the first song I wrote that had Japanese lyrics. That song was a turning point for me — it was the first song that felt like it truly represented me as a person and as an artist. I hope that my music encourages people that listen to it to be proud of their own identities and cultural backgrounds.
Music Tribune:
We would like to ask you about your new EP "kabutomushi". Please tell us about the production process of this EP. What did you focus on in the recording process?
Mei Semones:
The songs on the Kabutomushi EP were mostly written in the fall/winter of 2022, and recorded in the spring of 2023. The process started with me writing the songs (chords, melody, lyrics) and then I brought them to my band: Noah Leong (viola), Claudius Agrippa (violin), Jaden Raso (bass), and Ransom McCafferty (drums). They are all such incredible musicians, and their playing and arranging makes the songs so special. In the recording process, we focused on getting a clean, tight sound, with a locked arrangement where all the parts are working together.
Music Tribune:
Can I ask you a few personal questions? On Instagram, you posted a photo of yourself wearing a kimono in Japan. It was very nice, but was that for sightseeing? Or were you visiting an acquaintance?
Mei Semones:
I think there’s a couple photos of me in a kimono on my instagram — one of them is from our 成人式(Seijin-shiki)’s photos, because my mom wanted to do that for me and my sister. The other one is from my most recent trip to Japan. It was my boyfriend’s first time in Japan, so I thought it would be fun to go on a date to Kamakura and wear kimonos, so that’s where that most recent photo is from.
Music Tribune:
Your music seems to contain influences of bossa nova, jazz, and post-rock. In particular, I have the impression that your guitar playing style is similar to that of Chicago's Jeff Parker. Are there any players in particular that have influenced you as a guitarist?
Mei Semones:
I think the guitarists that have influenced me the most are Grant Green, Wes Montgomery, and Jim Hall. I’ve transcribed/listened to them the most, and have also studied some Kurt Rosenwinkel, Barney Kessel, Kenny Burrell, and Joe Pass. I think I’ve also taken influence from some of my professors I studied with at Berklee, such as Larry Baione and Tim Miller.
Music Tribune:
The artwork of your past music works and artist's goods attract our attention with their cute illustrations. Do you have any concept behind your use of these designs?
Mei Semones:
All of the illustrations and design for the Kabutomushi EP are by my mom, Seiko Semones. She’s a really talented artist and graphic designer and it means a lot to me that she is willing to work with me on my artist project. She is one of the people in this world who knows me best, so I think that these illustrations reflect my personality and the intention behind the songs really well. Otherwise the artwork for my previous releases doesn’t have too much of a concept — it’s mostly just personal taste / art that I like the look of.
Music Tribune:
A new EP is coming out on Bayonet. If you had to name your favorite song on the EP, which would it be? Also, do you have any requests as to how you would like the music to be heard in this way?
Mei Semones:
I love all of the songs on the EP, so it’s hard for me to pick one, but if I had to I would say it’s the title track, Kabutomushi. It’s a special song to me because it is dedicated to my late grandmother. The lyrics are centered around memories of visiting her in Yokosuka when I was little. I was also able to make a really amazing music video for it during my last visit to Tokyo, with director Takuto Shimpo.
Regardless of where it’s being heard, I would like for my music to be a source of comfort for those who hear it. I would like for it to help people feel less alone, and feel like there is a place where they belong.
Music Tribune:
Do you currently live in Brooklyn? What do you find attractive about this city? Are there any spots you would recommend?
Mei Semones:
I live in an area of Brooklyn called Bushwick. I love the city and I love the neighborhood I live in. What I love about it is how alive it is — it’s a little chaotic, but I love the people, the buildings, the trains, even the rats, the trash, the smell, the noise. Some of my favorite spots in the city are the parks, like Maria Hernandez and Tompkins Square. I really like Greenpoint, Williamsburg, Chinatown, LES, Ktown, and St Marks Place. I also like going to the West Village whenever I’m over there.
Music Tribune:
Thank you for your answer. I look forward to your future career. Arigato!!
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Mei Semones ©Sophie Minello |
・Episode In Japanese
本日、アーティストによる新作EP『Kabutomushi』がBayonet Recordsからリリースされた。今回のインタビューでは、音楽的なバックグラウンドから新作EP、バークリー音楽院でどのような学習を重ねたのか、さらに、日本語の歌詞についてや、ブルックリンの街の魅力について貴重なお話を伺うことが出来ました。以下にそのエピソードの全容をご紹介します。
Music Tribune :
Mei Semones:
Music Tribune:
Mei Semones:
Music Tribune:
メイさんは高校の頃からジャズギターを始め、その後バークリー音楽院で音楽を勉強されたようですね。ハイスクールの時期にバンドで活動していたことはありますか? またバークレーはパット・メセニーが講師をしていたり、ジャズの教育に力を入れている印象があります。学校ではどのようなことを学びましたか?
Mei Semones:
Music Tribune:
Mei Semones:
Music Tribune:
新作EP「kabutomushi」に関してご質問します。このEPの制作過程について教えていただけますか? レコーディングではどんなことに重点を置きましたか?
Mei Semones:
Kabutomushi EPの収録曲のほとんどは、2022年の秋から冬にかけて書かれ、2023年の春にレコーディングされたものです。そのプロセスは、まず私が曲(コード、メロディ、歌詞)を書き、それを私のバンドに持ち込むことから始まりました。
Music Tribune;
少しプライベートな質問をしてもいいですか? Instagramでは日本で着物を着た写真を投稿されていましたね? とても素敵だったのですが、あれは観光だったのでしょうか? それとも知人のところに遊びにいらしたのですか?
Mei Semones:
Music Tribune:
Mei Semones:
Music Tribune:
Mei Semones:
Music Tribune:
新作EPが4月にBayonet Recordsから発売されます。このEPのお気に入りの曲を挙げるとしたら、どれでしょうか? また、音楽をこういうふうに聴いてもらいたいというような要望はありますか?
Mei Semones:
Music Tribune:
現在はブルックリンにお住まいですか? この街の魅力的なところを教えてください。またおすすめのスポットはありますか??
Mei Semones:
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Mei Semones ©Sophie Minello |
Music Tribune: